Cellophane Bags Packaging
Things to Know When Selecting Cellophane Bags for Packaging Cellophane bags have been around for over 100 years. In more modern times, the most common name for cellophane bags is polypropylene. Polypropylene is a kind of thermoplastic polymer, which since its discovery in 1951, has become the second-largest manufactured plastic in the world. Similar to Cellophane, there’re a few fundamental differences that make polypropylene the most popular selection for packaging film. What’s Cellophane? True Cellophane bags are made from wood, hemp or cotton, and most Cellophane is biodegradable. This is expensive to produce compared with polypropylene and has a limited shelf life. With the expanding pressure on companies to produce eco-packaging that reduces the carbon footprint, renewable Cellophane is seeing a resurgence in demand. Every year PrintStock sell a range of cellophane bags and polypropylene products. To help you make the best choice, here is what you should conside